Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day 108, MZ Ladies Visit Tahoe!

OK from the left, Maggie, Annette, Amanda, and me (also Amanda, we did that just to confuse everyone)

Annette, Amanda, Maggie in front of one of the Tallac Buildings
The girls taking a picture of me taking a picture of them.
The beach
Out ant attacker. My friend has them bigger than this in her house!
A duck, if you look closely you can see the rocks under the water.
A hoola hoping girl, I was kind enough to remove some cellulite for her.
A tree


Maggie said...

hahahahaha those are GREAT!! I'm such a dork. I had lots of fun meeting you Amanda. We'll have to do again soon.

Amanda said...

LOL... we're so cool

amy said...

Great pics! Looks like you girls had fun!!

jessstephkylesmom said...

Yeah it was fun!! you got some great pictures here!! I still cannot get over that ant!!

Amanda said...

LOL, the ants get bigger too!

Mindy's365 said...

It looks like you guys had fun!! Too funny!

Vanessa said...

great pictures!! you're all so beatiful! lmao@ the hoolahooping girl who you removed some of her cellulite!!

Heather said...

FUN pictures!!! I love the B&W with the color pop of the beach!

Holly said...

How cool a meetup! Im jealous. Looks like you guys had lots of fun!!

Previvor fit mom said...

How kool that y'all met like that! I met one from a forum last yr, meeting again this yr..:)
enjoyed the cool pix too..