Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 55, Fever

Ds has a 103.5 fever right now. I have given motrin and now piggy-backing with tylenol snuck into his gatorade. I even put him in a tepid bath and the cooling effects only lasted 10 minutes after. This sucks, expecially since he is uninsured because his insurance messed up again. This photo was taken when he only had a 101 fever.


Sara said...

Poor thing, I hope he feels better soon!

amy said...

Poor guy, it's so sad when they have that "don't feel good" look on their faces. I hope he's feeling better soon!

Tanya said...

aww poor kiddo. Hope he feels better soon

Holly said...

Poor baby. I hope the fever breaks soon.

Maggie said...

oh geeze! He looks miserable. I hope he's better soon.

Heather said...

Aww, the poor little guy. :( (((HUGS)))

Erica said...

Oh, poor little guy...I hate that sick look. Good luck!