Thursday, April 12, 2007

Day 43, Junk Yard

I took these in my late best friends dads yard. He's a junk collector as you can see. You can find anything in this yard. The building covered in plates stands in the spot where my best friend died.


Maggie said...

Wow he even has license plates on the eaves! That's a lot of junk. I totally dig the plate collection though; had to zoom in to check out where they were all from.

Amanda said...

He has PILES of plates to add on too! Partially I think because Nevada phased out a type of plate over the last few years, so he has collected them when people get their new plates. He could cover his whole house I bet... but his wife would kill him.

Tanya said...

Thats some pretty cool junk. I saw a chandelier made out of empty coke bottles the other day. it was so awesome.